Eminem - Under The Influence Featuring D-12

Текст песни:

*talkin' gibberish*
So you can suck my dick if you don't like my shit
Cuz I was high when I wrote this, so suck my dick

Two pills I pop 'til my pupils swell up like 2 pennies
I'm Clint Eastwood in his mid-twenties
A young ass man with a trash can strapped to the back of his ass
So the rats can't chew through his last pants
I'm like a mummy at night, fightin' with bright lightning
Frightened with 5 little white Vicadin pills bitin' him
I'm like a fuckin' wasp in the hospital lost
Stingin' the fuck outta everything I come across in the halls
I light a candle and place it up on the mantle
Grab a knife at the blade and stab you with the fuckin' handle
So when you find yourself wrapped up in the blinds, hurtin'
[Swifty] It's just too late
[Eminem] Cuz once you're hung from the drapes, it's curtains

[Swifty McBay]
I'm an instigator, 380 slug penetrator
Degrading, creating murders to kill haters
Accused for every crime known thru the equator
They knew I did it, for havin' blood on my gators
My weed'll hit your chest like a double barrel gauge
I'm a black grenade that'll blow up in your face
Wit a fifth in me, when I guzzle Remi, I do shit on purpose
You never hear me say "forgive me"
I'm snatchin' every penny
It gotta be that way nigga, face it
That weed I sold to you brigade laced it
You high and I make the president get a face lift
Niggas just afraid, handin' me they bracelets
Chillin' in the lab, wasted
I'm the type that'll drink Kahlua and gin - throw up on the mic
Your life is ruined, you get socked right on site
And even at the Million Man March, we gon' fight

1 - [Eminem]
Son, you can suck my dick if you don't like my shit
Cuz I was high when I wrote this, so suck my dick
Cuz I don't give a fuck if you don't like my shit
Cuz I was high when I wrote this, so suck my dick

I'm a compulsive liar, set my preacher on fire
Slash your tires, flyin' down Fenkel and Meyers
Plates expired, soon as I'm hired, I'm fired
Jackin' my dick off in the bed of barb wire
(Hey, is Bizarre performing?)
Bitch, can't you read the flyer?
Special invited guest would be Richard Pryor
(Aren't you a male dancer?)
Nah bitch, I'm retired
Fuckin' your bitch in the ass with a tire iron
I'm ripped, I'm on an acid trip
My DJ's in a coma for lettin' the record skip
Lettin' the record skip
Lettin' the record skip
*DJ scratches*
I'm fuckin' anything when I'm snortin'
It's gonna cost 300 dollars to get my Pit Bull an abortion
Some bitch asked for my autograph
I called her a whore, spit beer in her face and laughed
I drop bombs like I was in Vietnam
All bitches is hoes, even my stinkin' ass mom

Ay-yo flashback, 2 seats, 2deep up in that ass crack
Weed laced with somethin', nigga pass that
In Amsterdam we only hang out with hash rats
At a 'Stop the Violence' rally, I blast gats
Be your momma publishin', get your ass capped
The Kuniva, divide up your cash stack
Raid your motherfuckin' pockets, ASAP
I don't need a platinum chain bitch, I snatch Shaq's
Born loser, half theif and half black
Bring your boys and your guns and get laughed at
Bitch smacker, rich rappers get their Jag jacked
And found chopped up in a trash bag

[Dirty Harry]
Stranglin' rappers to the point they can't yell
Cuz they crew is full of fags and sweeter than bake sales
Reckless, come from behind and snatch your necklace
Gruesome, and causin' more violence than 9 hoodlums
I grapple your adam's apple until it crackle
Run right past you, tur

Eminem - Under The Influence (Featuring D-12)

Слова песни прочитаны: 770

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