Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat Wanz - Thrift shop

Текст песни:

[Hook Wanz]
Im gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket
Im, Im, Im hunting, looking for a come up, this is fucking awesome

[Verse 1 Macklemore]
Now walk into the club like "What up? I got a big cock"
Nah, Im just pumped, I bought some shit from the thrift shop
Ice on the fringe is so damn frosty
The people like Damn, thats a cold ass honky
Rolling in hella deep, headed to the mezzanine
Dressed in all pink except my gator shoes, those are green
Draped in a leopard mink, girl standing next to me
Probably should've washed this, smells like R. Kelly sheets
But shit, it was 99 cents
Buy it, coppin' it, washin' it, bout to go and get some compliments
Passing up on those moccasins someone else has been walking in
Bummy and grungy, fuck it man, I am stunting and flossing and
Saving my money and Im hella happy, thats a bargain bitch
Ima take your grandpa's style, Ima take your grandpa's style
No for real, ask your grandpa can I have his hand-me-downs? (Thank you)
Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers
Dookie Brown leather jacket that I found digging
They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard
I bought a skeet blanket, then I bought a knee board
Hello, hello, my ace man, my mellow
John Wayne aint got nothing on my fringe game, hell no
I could take some Pro Wings, make them cool, sell those
The sneaker heads would be like Ah, he got the Velcros

[Hook x2]

[Verse 2 Macklemore]
What you know about rocking a wolf on your noggin?
What you knowing about wearing a fur fox skin?
Im digging, Im digging, Im searching right through that luggage
One mans trash, thats another mans come up
Thank your granddad for donating that plaid button-
Up shirt, cause right now, Im up in hurr stuntin'
Im at the Goodwill, you can find me in the bins
Im that, Im that sucker searchin' in that section (Uptons)
Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy
Ill take those flannel zebra jammies, second hand and Ill rock that motherfucker
The built-in onesie with the socks on the motherfucker
I hit the party and they stop in that motherfucker
They be like Oh that Gucci, thats hella tight
Im like Yo, thats fifty dollars for a t-shirt
Limited edition, lets do some simple addition
Fifty dollars for a t-shirt, thats just some ignorant bitch shit
I call that getting swindled and pimped, shit
I call that getting tricked by business
That shirts hella dough
And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella dont
Peep game, come take a look through my telescope
Trying to get girls from a brand? Then you hella wont
Man you hella wont, man you hella won't


[Bridge x2 Wanz]
I wear your granddad's clothes, I look incredible
Im in this big ass coat from that thrift shop down the road

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