Michael Jackson - Praise To The Prophet Saw Muhammad

Текст песни:

Amid the confusion, the chaos and the pain
A man emerged and Muhammad was his name
And walking with nothing but Allah as his aid
And the mark of a prophet between his shoulder blades
In a cave in mount hira, the revelation came
Read o Muhammad, read in Allahs name
May the blessings of Allah be on almustafaa
None besides him could have been almujtabaa

Muhammad, peace be upon his soul
The greatest of prophets, Islam was his only goal
Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam

From among all the prophets, Muhammad was the last
As his was a mission of the greatest task
There was only moral degeneration
People clung to idol adoration
For all nations, he was almukhtaar
So was he praised by Allah, alghaffaar
The bearer of glad tidings, albasheer
Leading into light, asseerajalmuneer

Muhammad, peace be upon his soul
The greatest of prophets, Islam was his only goal
Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam

In handling the wicked, he had the best of skill
He pacified with tolerance and goodwill
The best of morals he aimed to attain
All he accomplished through suffering and pain
Reviving imaan as almuthakkir
He is known in the qur'aan as almuddaththir
Only he was given the honour of miraaj
Unique was this glory to Muhammad asseeraj

Muhammad, peace be upon his soul
The greatest of prophets, Islam was his only goal
Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam

Balagha lula bikamalihi
Kashafa dduja bijamalihi
Hasunat jamiu khisalihi
Sallu alayhi wa alihi

Muhammad, peace be upon his soul,
The greatest of Prophets, Islam was his only goal

Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam
Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam

Michael Jackson - Praise To The Prophet Saw (Muhammad)

Слова песни прочитаны: 770

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