NOK From The Future - About the youth Smoke and Drive

Текст песни:

Ain't shit to do out here just smoke and drive
Smoke and drive
Smoke and drive
Smoke and drive

Ain't shit to do out here just smoke and drive

I can't live my life so righteous
I'm too caught up in that high shit
I can't tell if it's Monday or Tuesday, or maybe Wednesday
'Cause everyday seems like the same day (like the same day)
808's knock, knock, knock, shit, neighbors on the doors
(Shut the fuck up)
I'mma go cool off at the shore
Fucc Bois trynna stay hot
But they don't know that's a job for the BLAMEgod
And my boys on their grind at the day job
Stay making that dough 'til the rain drops
Back roads cruising with the high beans
Low on the benzene
Bitch in the backseat just trynna blow steam
Like, what the fuck happened to our real dreams?

Like, what the fuck happened to a real dream?

Ain't shit to do out here just smoke and drive
Smoke and drive
Smoke and drive
Smoke and drive

Ain't shit to do out here just smoke and drive

Everyday like, wake up, hit the bowl, then cruise
Everyday like, fucking up shit with the crew

Government loans leave you chained by the first day
A 100k loans all paid by the drug trade
A 100k loans all paid by the drug trade
A 100k loans all paid by the drug trade

Don't fuck with me
Don't fuck with me
Don't fuck with me
I'll leave you dead in the bathroom
I'll leave you dead in the bathroom
I'll leave you dead in the bathroom
I'll leave you dead in the bathroom

NOK From The Future - About the youth (Smoke and Drive)

Слова песни прочитаны: 1658

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