Sebastian Lind - Suit and Tie Justin Timberlake cover

Текст песни:

Аудио группы

I can't wait 'til I get you on the floor, good-looking
Going hot, so hot, just like an oven
I'll burn myself, but just had to touch it
It's so fine and it's all mine

Hey baby, we don't mind all the watching, oh
Cause if they study close, real close
They might learn something
She ain't nothing but a little doozie when she does it
She's so fine, tonight

And as long as I got my suit and tie
I'ma leave it all on the floor tonight
And you got fixed up to the nines
Let me show you a few things
All pressed up in black and white
And you're dressed in that dress I like
Love is swinging in the air tonight
Let me show you a few things
Show you a few things (x8)


Stop, let me get a good look at it
Oh, so thick, now I know why they call it a fatty
aww, shit's so sick, got a hit and picked up a habit
that's alright, cause you're all mine
Awww, go on and show 'em who you call "Daddy"
I guess they're just mad cause girl, they wish they had it
Oh, my killer, my thriller, yeah, you're a classic
And you're all mine tonight

And as long as I got my suit and tie
I'ma leave it all on the floor tonight
And you got fixed up to the nines
Let me show you a few things
All pressed up in black and white
And you're dressed in that dress I like
Love is swinging in the air tonight
Let me show you a few things
Show you a few things (x8)


Love yeah
Love love love
Show you a few things about love

About love
Love love love...

Sebastian Lind - Suit and Tie (Justin Timberlake cover)

Слова песни прочитаны: 447

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