System of a Down - Suite-Pee & War? Live Moscow SCO 21.06.11

Текст песни:

I had an out of body experience
The other day her name was Jesus
And for her everyone cried, everyone cried, everyone cried

Try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try
You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy, die her philosophy, die.
Crossed and terrored ravages of architecture, lend me thy blades
We're crossed and terrored ravages or architecture hoist around the spade.

Try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try
You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy, die her philosophy, die.

Lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go all through our souls.
Lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go all through our souls.
Die... like a mother fucker, die... like a mother fucker, die... like a mother fucker
Why... like a mother fucker

I wanna fuck my way to the garden, cause everyone needs a mother... FUCKER

The following of a Christ, the following of a Christ, the following of a Christ, the following of a Christ, the falling of Christ, the falling of Christ, the falling of Christ, the falling of Christ.

Dark is the light,
The man you fight,
With all your prayers, incantations,
Running away, a trivial day,
Of judgment and deliverance,
To whom was sold, this bounty soul,
A gentile or a priest ?
Who victored over, the Seljuks,
When the holy land was taken

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

Was it the riches, of the land,
Powers of bright darkness,
That lead the noble, to the East,
To fight the heathens

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

We must call upon our bright darkness,
Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked,
One was written on the sword,
For you must enter a room to destroy it,
International security,
Call of the righteous man,
Needs a reason to kill man,
History teaches us so,
The reason he must attain,
Must be approved by his God,
His child, partisan brother of war,

Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

System of a Down - Suite-Pee & War? Live  Moscow SCO 21.06.11

Слова песни прочитаны: 592

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