T.I. ft Justin Timberlake - Dead and Gone dubstep remix

Текст песни:

Ay, lemme kick it to you right quick man
Not on some gangsta shit man on some real shit
Anybody who been through the same thing
I'm sure you feel the same way

[Chorus Justin Timberlake]
Ooooooo I've been travelin on this road too long
Just trying to find my way back home

[Verse 1 T.I.]
Ever had one of dem days
you wish woulda stayed home
Run into a group of niggas
getting they hate on
You walk by
they get wrong
You reply then shit get blown
Way outta proportion
way past discussion
Just you against them,
pick one then rush em
Figure you get your hair?
that next
They dont wanna stop
there now they buzzin
Now you gushin,
ambulance rushin
you to the hospital
With a bad concussion
Plus ya hit 4 times
plus it hit
Ya spine paralyzed
waist down
now ya wheel chair bound
Never mind that now you lucky to be alive,
Just think it all started
you fussin with 3 guys
Now ya pride in the way
but ya pride is the way
You could fuck around
get shot die anyday
Niggas die every day
all over bull shit
Dope money dice game
ordinary hood shit
Could this be cuz
of hip hop music
Or did the ones with the good sense not use it
Usually niggas don't know what to do
When their back against the wall
so they just start shootin
For red or for blue or for blow I guess,
From Bankhead
or from your projects
No more stress,
now I'm straight,
Now I get it now I take
Time to think,
before I make mistakes
Just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away

[Chorus Justin Timberlake]

[Verse 2 T.I.]
I ain't never been scared, I lived through tragedy
Situation coulda been dead lookin back at it
Most of that shit didn't even have to happen
But you don't think about it when you out there trappin
In aparents hangin smokin and rappin
Niggas start shit didn't next thing ya know we cappin
Get locked up then didn't even get mad
Now think about damn what a life I had
Most of that shit look back just laugh
Some shit still look back just sad
Maybe my homeboy still be around
Had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time
I won that fight, I lost that war
I can still see my nigga walkin out that door
Who'da thought I'd never see Philant no more
Got enough dead homies I don't want no more
Cost a nigga his job, cost me more
I'da took that ass-whoopin now for sure
Now think before I risk my life
Take them chances to get my stripes
A nigga put his hands on me alright
Otherwise stand there talk shit all night
Cuz I hit you, you sue me,
I shoot you, get locked up, who me?
No more stress, now I'm straight,
Now I get it now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes
Just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away

[Chorus Justin Timberlake]

[Justin Timberlake]
I turn my head to the east I dont see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the west still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the north, swallow that pill that they call pride
The old me is dead and gone, the new me will be alright
I turn my head to the east I dont see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the west still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the north, swallow that pill that they call pride
The old me is dead and gone, the new me will be alright

[Chorus - Justin Timberlake]

T.I. ft Justin Timberlake - Dead and Gone (dubstep remix)

Слова песни прочитаны: 626

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