Wiz Khalifa Ft. Snoop Dogg & Ty Dolla ign - You and Your Friends Instrumental

Текст песни:

I got all these J's rolled up
And got all these drinks poured up
I bought all these bottles up in this club
Came here with all of my dogs
But I'm tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends
Yeah, tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends, ball

I got all these J's rolled up
And got all these drinks poured up
I bought all these bottles up in this club
Came here with all of my dogs
But I'm tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends
Yeah, tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends, ball

[Wiz Khalifa]
You and your friends, up in my car
Rolling up J's, flying with the stars
Don't gotta ask the price 'cause you already know
Watch full of ice, no light it still glow
With you and your friends, me and my dogs
Left your nigga to be with my squad
He talk a lot of shit, but he ain't really on
He hit it too soft, but me I go hard, like
Oohy baby, when you with me you go crazy
I want you to be my lady
Girl you could bring your girlfriends, I ain't hating

I got all these J's rolled up
And got all these drinks poured up
I bought all these bottles up in this club
Came here with all of my dogs
But I'm tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends
Yeah, tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends, ball

[Snoop Dogg]
I'm parked out front in a Range Rover
Coke white, so tight, game over
Coupe to the block, bop to the bang
Car full of girls in a blue Mustang
Four y'all, more y'all, caravan
V.I.P model in hand, bottle in hand
Wobble again
I make it crack in the back of a Benz while cracking the frame
On the highway, just me and Wiz
With a dirty dozen, about to handle this
Was they cousins or was they twins?
I love it when they both go all in
Like that, this one and that one
See he wants the cute one, I want the fat one
Cause she pay what she weigh
I'm looking for a Jennifer Holiday in my way

I got all these J's rolled up
And got all these drinks poured up
I bought all these bottles up in this club
Came here with all of my dogs
But I'm tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends
Yeah, tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends, ball

I got all these J's rolled up
And got all these drinks poured up
I bought all these bottles up in this club
Came here with all of my dogs
But I'm tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends
Yeah, tryna leave with you and your friends
You and your friends, ball

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